SHAPE Education: Online | 27-28 May 2020
Andrew Nye, Founder and Facilitator introduces SHAPE
COVID-19 is breaking our model of education! How do we react?
On the 27-28 May, Cambridge Assessment and The Judge Business School hosted SHAPE Education: Online. This event was the first experiment of taking the SHAPE approach into an online environment. In order to translate what SHAPE is, the event needed to be a rich and exciting experience. As we’re learning across the education industry and in our own work, doing things remotely can provide both new and interesting approaches at the same time as removing the things we take for granted.
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Day 1: Gathering Insights. This fantastic drawing was captured by our resident Graphic Recorder Rebecca Osborne.
Interviews with Learners, Teachers and Parents
Learners, teachers and parents from the educational community joined us from Mexico, China and the UK. They shared recent experiences and insights into what is missing and what has worked for them since lockdown – as students learning at home; as parents balancing work and their children's learning; and as teachers delivering or guiding remote learning.
In this next section we hear from a cross-sector of industry experts. For each part, there are two speakers. The speaker videos on the left include introductions, and those on the right are followed by audience Q&A (for both speakers).
Part 1
What challenges are the educational community facing because of COVID-19, and which are having the most impact?
Seb Murray
Freelance Journalist - view bio [starts 01.28]
Part 2
What does the pedagogy of (remote) learning look like? How do we re-think it to operate in a post-Covid world?
Martin Dougiamas
CEO and Founder, Moodle - view bio [starts 01.32]
Part 3
Designing the future: How can we build a different model of education and learn from the models where change takes place?
Zubair Junjunia
Founder, ZNotes - view bio [starts 2.01]
Day 2: Ideation. This fantastic drawing was captured by our resident Graphic Recorder Rebecca Osborne.
There was a lot of discussion throughout the 2 days on on how education can become more connected to ‘communities’, and through this become a true life-long learning experience for children and adults alike. The need was expressed many times to create environments where families, teachers and employers are partners in the education system, and where learning is seen as a fully integrated part of life for everyone. This is a long way from the existing belief, held by many, that education is an exercise in ticking boxes and is limited by the constraints that the current system has placed around it. The suggestions that the different groups came up with speak, in many cases, to the idea of changing that system through the creation of different communities.
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Dan Frost, Founder and Facilitator
Closing remarks on the first SHAPE Online event