The Online Home Schooling Tutor
One of the biggest impacts of COVID-19 has been the overnight transformation of homes into classrooms across the world, leaving extended families to suddenly become multi-disciplinary home teachers. Cries of “Maths never used to be taught like this!” have been heard up and down the country. At best, it has been exhilarating and challenging. At worst, it’s turned hard-nosed business people to reach out to Google, frantically trying to stay one step ahead of their seven year olds. What they need is tell-it-to-me-how-it is training. To the point, jargon busting teacher-training for students, siblings, chefs, cleaners, parents, shop-assistants, firefighters... everyone but teachers.
How it works
An online environment which provides:
Short (e.g. 30 minute) virtual sessions, providing step by step instructions, run by friendly, knowledgeable facilitators
Series of engaging online tools available at no cost to parents & extended families
Value to the user
Families can understand the learning process and collaborate with each other
Facilitates much greater understanding between parents and teachers, and avoids unhelpful criticism on both sides
Supports parents in promoting learning
How is this different?
Families are not formally trained or educated to deal with educational challenges. This idea would cater for an opportunity of educating based on professional advice
Promotion of an industry-recognised programme for online educational support provides parents/families with confidence in delivery
What’s needed to make this happen?
A clear plan of priority issues decided by a group of experts either at school, town, city or state level
Experts who volunteer, or budget to deal with the cost of the speakers, and necessary tech support
Influencers, Bloggers, YouTubers needed for launch campaign and to drive awareness
How do we get communities happening around this, i.e. parents talking to parents?
Education City for Parents - Rebecca Osborne drawing snippet
Screenshot from MIRO, collaborative whiteboard
Have your say
Are you already working on something similar? Do you want to get involved with this?
Reckon we’ve got it all wrong but know the solution we’re looking for? We’d love to hear from you - drop us a comment below.